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   2011年7月13日下午3点,加拿大温莎大学张国庆(Zhang Guoqing)教授、博导应公司石岿然教授邀请,前来交流讲学。张国庆教授先后在香港中文大学和加拿大麦克马斯特大学做博士后研究,研究领域涉及计算最优化、供应链管理和决策支持系统,主持了加拿大国家自然科学基金研究项目。

Guoqing Zhang 
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Ph.D., Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
M.E., System Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing
B.E., Industrial Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing

Research Interests:
Optimization, Algorithm Design and Development
Supply Chain Management and Logistic,
Facility/Warehouse Layout
Mathematic Modelling and Analyses for Manufacturing Systems
Decision Support Systems
Computing and Parallel Optimization

Recent Funded Research Projects:
Modeling and Algorithms for the Design of Flexible Supply Networks under Uncertain and Dynamic Environment (PI, 2009-2014, NSERC)
Optimization in Supply Chain Management (PI, 2004-2009, NSERC)
LINUX PC cluster for Computational Studies and Optimization of Nano-Mechanical and Industrial systems (2004-2005, CFI, joint project)
LINUX PC cluster for Computational Studies and Optimization of Nano-Mechanical and Industrial systems (2005, MEDT, Ontario government, joint project)
High Performance Optimization: Theory, Algorithm Design and Engineering Applications (Project leader: Tamas Terlaky, MITACS, 2007 -)

Recent Articles in Refereed Journals:
Zhang, G. Q., The multi-product newsboy problem with supplier quantity discounts and a budget constraint, European Journal of Operational Research, 206(2), 350-360, 2010 (
Amin S., Zhang G. Q., A proposed mathematical model for closed-loop network configuration based on product life cycle, To appear The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011 (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3407-2)
Shi, J., Zhang, G Q, Lai, K, K, Optimal ordering and pricing policy with supplier quantity discounts and price-dependent stochastic demand, To appear Optimization, 2011
Shi, J., Zhang, G Q, Sha, J., Optimal supply planning for a multi-product closed loop system with uncertain demand and return, Computers and Operations Research, 38, 641-650, 2011 (
Shi, J., Zhang, G Q, Sha, J., Jointly pricing and ordering for a multi-product multi-constraint newsvendor problem with supplier quantity discounts, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(6), 3001-3011, 2011
Rouf, S. and Zhang, G. Q., Supply planning model for a closed loop system with uncertain demand and return, International Journal of Operational Research, 10(4), 2011
Amin S. , Razmi J., Zhang G. Q., Supplier selection and order allocation based on fuzzy SWOT analysis and fuzzy linear programming, Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (1), 334–342, 2011
Shi, J., Zhang, G. Q., Sha, J., Optimal production and pricing policy for a closed loop system, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55, 639-647, 2011
Shi, J., Zhang, G Q, Sha, J., Amin S., Coordinating production and recycling decisions with stochastic demand and return, Journal of System Science and System Engineering, 19(4), 385-407, 2010
Shi, J., Zhang, G. Q., Multi-product budget-constrained acquisition and pricing with uncertain demand and supplier quantity discounts, International Journal of Production Economics, 128(1), 322-331, 2010
Zhang, G. Q., Lai K K, Tabu search approach for multi-level warehouse layout problem with adjacent constraints, Engineering Optimization, 42(8), 775-790, 2010
Saboonchi, B., Zhang G. Q., A two-stage stochastic programming method for designing multi-stage global supply chains with stochastic demand, International Journal of Operational Research, 9(4), 409-425, 2010
Zhang, G. Q., A note on ``A Continuous Approach to Nonlinear Integer Programming", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215, 2388-2389, 2009
Zhang, G. Q., Ma, Liping, Optimal acquisition policy with quantity discounts and uncertain demands, International Journal of Production Research, 47(9), 2409-2425, 2009
Ma, Liping, Zhang, G. Q., Configuring a Supply Network in the Presence of Volume Discounts, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 27, 77-83, 2008
Zhang, G. Q., Combining acquisition planning with inventory management under uncertain demand, INFOR, 46(2), 129-135, 2008
Zhang, G. Q. & Lai, K K, Combining path relinking and genetic algorithms for the multiple-level warehouse layout problem, European Journal of Operational Reseach, 169/2, 413-425, 2006
Salahi, M., Terlaky T., and Zhang, G. Q. The Complexity of Self-Regular Proximity Based Infeasible Interior Point Methods, Computational Optimization and Applications, 33, 157-185, 2006
Leung, J., Zhang, G. Q., Yang, X., Mak R., and Lam, K., Optimal cyclic multi-hoist scheduling: a mixed integer programming approach, Operations Research, 52(6), 965-976, 2004
Leung, J., Zhang, G. Q., Optimal simple cyclic scheduling for Printed-Circuit-Board Production Lines with Multiple Hoists and Generic Tank Placement, IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, 19:480-484, 2003
Kim, B., Leung, J. M. Y., Park, K., Zhang, G. Q., and Lee, S., Configuring a supply network for the Manufacturing company with Multiple suppliers, IIE Transaction, 34(8), 663-678, 2002
Zhang, G Q., Xue, J., and Lai, K. K., A class of genetic algorithms for multiple-level warehouse layout problem, International Journal of Production Research, 40(3), 731-744, 2002
Lai, K. K., Xue, J., and Zhang, G. Q., A two-stage heuristic for a paper reel layout problem, International Journal of Production Economics, 75(3), 231-243, 2002
Zhang, G. Q., Xue, J., and Lai, K. K., A genetic algorithm based heuristic for adjacent paper-reel layout problem, International Journal of Production Research, 38(14), 3343-3356, 2000

Recent Presentations:
Zhang, G.Q., Chen, S. Open Source Solution Approaches to a Class of Stochastic Supply Chain Problems, The First World Congress on Global Optimization in Engineering & Science (WCGO2009), June 2009, China.
Zhang, G.Q., and Shi, J., Multi-period Multi-product Acquisition Planning with Supplier Discounts, 2009 CORS/INFORMS International Meeting, CORS/INFORMS, June, 2009, Toronto.
Zhang, G.Q., Shi, J. and Chaudhry S., Multi-period acquisition planning with supplier discounts, MSOM, MIT, June 2009.
Zhang, G.Q.,, A Lagrangian heuristic for a single period constrained inventory problem with quantity discounts, 8th Annual MOPTA Conference Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications, August, 2008.
Behnaz Saboonchi, Guoqing Zhang, A two-stage stochastic programming method for designing multi-stage global supply chains with stochastic demand, Supply Chain Management Symposium 2007, Toronto
Guoqing Zhang, Sicheng Chen, An open source solution approach to configure a supply network with uncertain demand, ICCOPT-MOPTA 2007, Hamilton, Canada
Guoqing Zhang, K K Lai, Multiple-level warehouse layout problems and trend : heuristic approaches, International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Algorithms, Beijing, 2007
Guoqing Zhang, Combining Acquisition Planning with Inventory Management Under Uncertain Demand, Supply Chain Management Symposium 2006, Toronto
Zhang, G., Configuring a Supply Network with Quantity Discount and Uncertain Demand. The 47th Annual Conference of the Canadian Operational Research Society, Halifax, May 16-18, 2005
Zhang, G., A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Model for an Acquisition Problem with Uncertain Demand. Optimization Days, Montreal, May 9-11, 2005
Zhang, G. Optimal Acquisition Policy for a Supply Network with Quantity Discount. INFORMS, Denver, October 24-27, 2004
Zhang, G. Terlaky, T., and Zhu, X.,Computational Experiences of a Dynamic Infeasible Interior Point Method, The 45th Annual Conference of the Canadian Operational Research Society, Vancouver, Canada from June 2-4, 2003
Zhang, G., Leung, J, Computational experiences of optimal simple cyclic scheduling for printed-circuit-board production lines. 3rd Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications, McMaster University, July 31-August 2, 2003.
Zhang, G., Peng, J., Terlaky, T., and Zhu, X., Computational experience with self-regular based interior point methods, The 44th Annual Conference of the Canadian Operational Research Society, Toronto, June 3-5, 2002
Zhang G. Q., Peng J., Terlaky T., and Zhu X., Implementation issues with a class of new interior point methods, MOPTA02, Hamilton, 2002

Awards and Honors:
Dean's Recognition Award winner in recognition of research and scholarship excellence, University of Windsor, 2010
University of Windsor Award winner in recognition of research and scholarship excellence, 2004
Modeling and Algorithms for the Design of Flexible Supply Networks under Uncertain and Dynamic Environment (PI, 2009-2014, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
Optimization in Supply Chain Management (PI, 2004-2009, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
LINUX PC cluster for Computational Studies and Optimization of Nano-Mechanical and Industrial systems (one of two PIs, 2004-2005, Canada Foundation for Innovation)

External Service and Assignments:
Editorial Board - International Journal of Applied Logistics
Editorial Board - International Journal of Risk Management

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